
How can i convince my parents to let us go on a cruise?

by Guest57642  |  earlier

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Me and my friend want to go on a cruise really bad. We picked out a date, a cruise, flights, and everything. But we don't know how to convince our parents to go. Do you have any ideas, thanks.




  1. tell them that when u and friends go , they will have some alone time, and wont have to keep an eye on u. a big plus will b if u paid at least of the trip. Have fun!

  2. Are they saying "NO" because you expect them to pay for it?  

    Are you old enough to travel alone?  

    Are you aware of the dangers of traveling to foreign countries?

    Maybe they are concerned about this trip you planned because they love you and know more than you give them credit for.  When you ask again, as I am certain you will, be prepared with information about the locations you are traveling to and a plan of how this is going to be paid for.

  3. Do you still have those 5X8 Christmas office party pictures of your parents?

  4. First and most important - You will have to be at least 21 years old to be able to cruise without a parent. Some ships even have an age of 25 for at least one of the people in the cabin.

    I would suggest that you talk your parents into going along on the cruise.  They would enjoy it.

  5. I wouldn't want my kids to go on a cruise simply because they have such a bad reputation. People go missing off of cruises more often than you might think and heaven forbid something untoward happen to you because the cruise lines are big on cover-ups.

  6. sit down and have a family nice to them and try not to go out  a lot and pretend youre very bored.

  7. give them warning earlier in the day that you would like to talk to them about something that is very important to you. that way it will have them thinking all day about what you have to discuss with them. then hit them with it right after dinner they will not want to say no because you handled it in a very mature way......good luck

  8. tell them u need to have fun this summer!!! yeahh!!

  9. Who's paying? Ca-ching!

  10. Are you planning on your parents going with you?  That should be an easy sell.  Just start bringing home brocures from local travel agency.  Explain to them that you get one total price that covers everything.  All you have to do is pay, pack and get to the airport.  Everything else is covered,  How else can you do such an inexpensive vacation with such high class dining and yet be out on deck or in your room and get a fresh to order meal.

    When you get them to look at the brochures, they will have to get interested.  If they think they can't afford it, tell the to call me and I bet we can work something out that they will like.

    Saly B

  11. Does the name Natalee Holoway mean anything to you?

  12. You may not be able to convince them to go on the cruise of YOUR choice; but you can have some cruise literature and videos sent to them. Have other people their own age who have been on cruises recommend them, etc. If you get them on one, you may not be able to get them to stay home! They're loads of fun. Almost all cruise websites have literature and cd's they're glad to send.

  13. it depends how old you are.rember the girl that was murdered on that island thought she was old enough and shes dead

  14. Get all the cruise packets & convince them!

    if you got to WikiHow it tells you

  15. How about offering to help pay for some of it?

  16. On almost all cruise lines you have to be at least 21 years old to travel on the cruise alone and some cruise lines you have to be 25. Just to let you know.

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