
How can i convince them to let me wear makeup?

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i am turning 12 in january but i want to wear mascara and eyeliner...i already could wear lip yeah...but the most is eyeliner and mascara...i really want to...should i tell me sister or what...tell her to buy me makeup 4 my birthday and see what they say???see my sisters say i am getting pimples...and i need to buy face wash and she said i do not need it...idk why...




  1. You are still young, I don't think you'll need that stuff until you're in high school. Of course, that's completely biased.

    My suggestion is if you're really eager to try out mascara and eyeliner, talk to your sister about it.

    This probably makes me sound old, but you should enjoy your natural beauty while you're young, putting on all that stuff only lets people see you with makeup ... If you look fine without any makeup, why bother?

    I would save makeup for special occasions, because that's when you actually need to look good.

    Face wash could be necessary when you start getting really oily since you are going to be a teenager in a year.

  2. i don't think you need to care about make up at your age.

    lip gloss is okay, but mascara and eyeliner is too much in my opinion.

    i'm 14 now and i'm turning 15 soon, and i don't wear makeup at all..

    except lip balm, but that's not really makeup now.. is it?

  3. just tell your parents that it makes you feel more confident. theres nothing bad about makeup unless its too much.  

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