
How can i cool down?

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Im sweating buckets ,today was very hot it was a proper summers day here in the north of england but i ahve all the windows open and im still sweating and its 11 oclock at night.




  1. To the pool or the waterpark, it's a champion plan that awreet. *lol*

    Alternatively, get the old tin bath out and slump into that. I'm gonna sit around in my grunties for a bit I think.

  2. I just bought a small fan than fits next to my desk. They don't cost much from argos.

  3. read this. im trying a few of these tonight!

  4. Buy a fan? (:

  5. I know how you feel. You could have a cold shower and drink some cold milk. That always works for me.

  6. In the near/middle/far east they enjoy a hot cuppa to help cool down.............sounds stupid but IT does work

  7. Fill a bucket with cold water, put it next to your bed and let your hand hang in it.  Lay back, relax and within 15 minutes your ambient body temperature will decrease enough for you to notice it.

  8. Go skinny-dipping, take a long, cold shower, drink a cool drink, and/or eat hot peppers.  The hot peppers will cause you to sweat more, thus cooling you somewhat.

    If you are old enough and have a pub close to home, ale works fairly well, too.  The water passes through you quickly, you perspire more, your senses are dulled, and, being befuddled, you're less concerned about the heat.

  9. buy some of that coolmist spray shizz. it rly works.

    or, get a spray bottle like they use in the hairdressers, fill it with water(duh) and put it in the fridge

    et voila... COOLAGE :)

  10. You don't have AC?

  11. TO DA POOL!! or waterpark lol even tho its 11 oclock  at night

  12. The problem when it is hot and humid is that your perspiration cannot evaporate efficiently enough to cool your body temperature.  The best remedy if you lack air conditioning is a fan.  If the fan blows air on you, it will help evaporate your perspiration and cool you off.

    When water evaporates it releases heat or exchanges heat. With the surrounding air.  A fan has the same effect as a car radiator fan.  By pulling air across the coils it cools the radiator.  That is how your body works.  Drink plenty of fluids and use a fan while exposing as much of your skin surface to the moving air as modesty will allow.

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