
How can i cope with a sucky school situation?

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today was the first day of school; and i hate it already. to start off with none of my friends are in my lunch period. i ended up sitting with this girl i barely talked to. then none (i repeat for emphasis) NONE of my friends are in my classes. one reason is that i have three computer classes. the only kids in my school that take computer classes are slackers who don't know how to take showers that feel like blowing off their senior year. the only upside is i have two hours of community service at an elementary school; so that's two periods i need not to be in the high school. i'm incredibly shy and don't want to make friends with these people that can't even take showers. most are loud obnoxious guys who just irritate the teacher and whatnot. how on earth do i cope with this. it's my senior year and i don't get to see or talk to any of my friends! i was thinking maybe i could go to the guidance counselor and express my situation although i don't want to change classes because the whole i've already been in this class and it'll be awkward going to a new one. and yeah that means i have no other options, right?

this is supposed to be my senior year. the greatest year of my whole school career. and it's turned out to be just flat out not what i expected. oh i joined a club too. that should be interesting. but that's outside of school.

any help whatsover.?




  1. I agree with twilight do the best with what you have  

  2. At least you have friends. i just entered highschool and I know no one, absolutely no one, and I have no friends outside of school either.

    Be happy with what you have, and even though it's hard, if it's really important to you then try to make new friends. If you really want to see your current friends more often then hang out/im with them outside of school, or adress the problem and see if it can be dealt with. If you have to change classes and you don't want to, then you ought to stop and think: what's worse? Not getting to be with your friend or changing classes?

    I know it's hard bnut you should also just try to make new friends, too. There is usually more to a person than meets the eye, and I'm sure not everyone there is just some loud obnoxious guy.

    Good luck.  

  3. go ahead an talk with guidance counselor ,hope it gets better for you.

  4. Omg this happened to me too, but I'm a freshman :P

    I hated the first day and felt all alone

    but everyday got better

    trust me it will

    today I came home from school and was like

    "today was a beatiful day" lol I no lameee

    so don't be so "the glass is half empty"

    listen to some music that lifts u up

    lay down and read

    and hope for the better

    my rememdy to saddness

  5. You are jumping to conclusions much too quickly.It is only your first day of school.Relax. Try to be friendly to the students you meet in the lunchroom and classes.You might get to know a really cute boy!Get yourself involved with the computer classes ,it could lead to a great job.Join as many after school clubs as you can.You will make new friends and you will have something to look forward to.Don't convince yourself that things will be awful,give it a chance.

  6. Be open to new ideas and new people. Who knows, one of those guys might be your future boyfriend or husband. You never know, keep your vision full and not tunneled.

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