
How can i cure goat? or atleast make it hurt less?

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goat as in the sickness NOT the animal! My mom has it on her foot and knee and she cant walk now shes on a wheel chair cus she has no strength..are there any exersices she can do or any food u recommend? Its the first time she ever got sick so quikly and doctors say shes pretty young to have goat at this age but i dont know.. she cant walk thats it / any one?




  1. gout can strike at any age and it is an inborn error of metabolism and is not curable , there are many drugs which lower the serum uric acid ,  

  2. Didn't she get any medicine?  Didn't they check her uric acid?  Usually Advil will help with the pain.  Go to the health food stores and get some concentrated cherry powder or cherry juice. If you don't have a health food store, go get some cranberry/cherry juice and have her start drinking it. Also have her eat about a cup of cherries a day.Cherries are good to help get over gout.   She needs to rid her body of the uric acid and purines. She needs to stay away from peas, shell fish (shrimp etc) not eat too much red meat like beef and pork.  Good luck.  

  3. My dad suffers from it too, the gout attacks tend to pass though.  It's best for your mum to take anti-inflammatories percribed to her by the doctor and try to rest (as she is doing) and use ice to help inflammation.  Alcohol and certain foods are bad for gout, i.e. salty foods, anchovies, bread, meats (such as liver), beans, sardines, spinach, cauliflower.  The best foods for gout are berries, tofu, salmon, tomatoes, low fat-dairy and olive oil.  Tell her to take cod liver oil too as it is very good for the joints and drink loads of water.  

  4. I remember going to the docs several years ago, he told me that i was suffering from gout, he said that i was eating far too much rich food, and maybe drinking a little too much, well i never eat rich food, and drink in moderation, so anyway, i excepted what he said, then after a year or two more, the pain in my big toes went to my knees, and so on spread to many of my joints. So i changed my doctor, who then sent me to a specialist, who diagnosed osteoarthritisSo this just goes to show, never accept only one diagnosis, doctors do make mistakes, there only human.What i am cross about, is the fact something could have been done earlier for me. What i did though, was purchase a little machine, called a TENS, a little expensive, but well worth the money, when i have bad days, i just get out this machine stick on the pads, and im pain-free for a while. This works from small electical pulses sent through the pads directly onto the spot thats painful, its terrific. Tell mom to try it, its brilliant.Hope it works for her.

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