
How can i cure my Fear of driving on Motorways?

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I been driving 31 years now, was never scared of motorways, untill an incident on a motorway as a passenger. we were in the fast lane to ovetake cars in middle lane, when this rollroyce pulled straight out in our lane,my friend slammed on the brakes, and then blasted his horn, bear in mind this rolls royce driver did not indicate to let us know he was comming into our lane. He then proceeded to try and ram us off into the barrier he was so close to me as he was doing it from middle lane into my side. Since then i wont go on motorways. I did go on 1 once (no choice.) as i turned off at a junction i checked mirror nothing behind me, just i got on the junction, this car came came out of no-where and hit the parapet of a bridge, rolled over and burst into flames. I will avoid the motorways like the plague now. So how do i cure my fear of Motorways. i shake like mad, and feel very sick ect. comment please.




  1. Drive on the motorway everyday and face your fear

  2. Well try driving on the main highways when there's less traffic. But if you do it gradually, and keep up on your 3 point checks and do the speed limit, everything will run smoothly. And be confident about it, think positive and just let those road rage idiots go around you! Your just going to get all flustered if you let their comments, driving and honking get to you! Think of it as a day a the beach, You know your having fun in the sand and some kids all of a sudden kick sand on your blanket  Nine times out of ten they didn't mean to do it because they were so occupied with themselves having fun they just didn't realize it. Well, I think that's how those road rage idiots operate. It's a game to them to be ahead of you at all times. Please understand that I used a bad example by using the kids version of it because they're innocent.

  3. This might sound crazy, but if you travel at night there's less traffic and blind spots are less of a problem since everyone has their lights on.  That is, if that's feasible.  If you think practice will help you build up your confidence then give it a try.  If the anxiety is too much, then don't put yourself or others in danger and find an alternate route.

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