
How can i cure my cranker sore its inside my mouth on my gums but i only have one it really hurts wat can i pu

by  |  earlier

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its a red spot dat is like a hole in front of my bottom teeth i think i ate sumthing really hot that burned me in my mouth i need help it really hurts i b putting on zilactin on it but thats just a pain reliever i need a cure.i cant eat,drink,or even brush my bottom teeth fast cuz it hurts alot i cant even smile




  1. Get some hot (as hot as you can stand it) water mixed with a little salt and swish it around in your mouth. Do this for a couple of days and the sore should shrink to nothing after a while.

  2. put some carmax on it


    im sorry :(

    hope ya feel better soon :)

    peace and love ♥

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