
How can i cure my depression?

by Guest21406  |  earlier

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How can i cure my depression?




  1. you need to start with coping skills. they helped me with all my depression

  2. of course, there are meds for it, which is one option.

    Also, is your depression due to events in your life or is it just coincidence?  Cause if its just coincidence, there are some things you can do about it.  For example, more exercise= more endorphins & higher metabolism, both of which will make you happier.  Also, get out more often.  Stop coming home from work and/or school everyday and just watch TV until you go to bed.  This will make you feel less lonely and alot more energetic.

    Get Well Soon! ;)

  3. Depending upon the severity of your depression, it can be treated successfully with some combination of counseling, medication and, in mild cases, lifestyle changes.

    For mild depression, exercise and diet changes can help immensely.

  4. Hi there

    I'm not sure how bad your depression is so maybe the first thing is to get it assessed by a professional. In milder cases a healthy diet, exercise and maybe therapy can help. In other cases medication is necessary combined with the above.

    I'm not an expert but I have been there myself (got really depressed last year after a few health problems/scares) so maybe the things that helped me might help someone else.... In my case I chose not to go on medication but that decision was made in consultation with my doctor.

    *don't self-diagnose or self-medicate - get a professional's opinion on your depression. I chose not to go on medication but that may not be an option for you.

    * I'm not sure if you will understand what I mean by this but...don't "feed" the depression... don't indulge the low feelings you get... they will only grow worse if you do that.

    * be kind, kind, KIND to yourself. When you're depressed, it can be so easy to be extremely hard on yourself. I went through a period of self loathing when I was on my lowest ebb and for no particular reason apart from the fact that I was depressed.

    Treat yourself like you would your best friend! Remember to be patient with yourself and give yourself time to heal/recover.

    * One of the best pieces of advice I got was... when you wake up in the morning.. spend a moment to check how you feel - be it happy, sad, emotional, tired etc. Say you feel emotional... acknowledge you feel that way but don't think about WHY you feel that way. The reason for this, is that you if you do start to think about the reasons... you will then have all these thoughts that will lead this way and that.. and in the end you will only feel worse. Acknowledge you feel emotional and then just say to yourself... "I feel emotional... but now I am letting it go". Repeat this a few times... it may seem unlikely but it works :-)

    * Sometimes it is good to spend time to yourself but it is important not to isolate yourself from your friends/loved ones.

    * A problem shared is a problem halved.... ideally let your family and friends know how you're feeling. Sometimes it might give you a different perspective on things. Failing that share it with a professional who may have valuable advice. Ideally chose someone you trust or a professional that was recommended by someone you know. Consider therapy. Look into learning coping mechanisms - some therapists (or a wise friend!) can help with this.

    * Do stuff you enjoy... what excites you? What distracts you? What makes you smile? Treat yourself! If you enjoy something why not do it today and then do it again tomorrow!

    *Spend time with friends and family - they know and love you... let them entertain and distract you.... you never know... you may just forget your troubles and smile :-)

    * Try to keep active... I know it can sometimes feel sooo sooo hard to leave the house but exercise and fresh air can really help you feel better.

    *If you always feel stressed or tense consider taking up yoga or mediation - join a class and if its an option bring a friend along to encourage and support you :-)

    * Try to eat healthily and have a balanced diet... it doesn't mean you can't have nice treats but try to avoid processed/unhealthy foods as much as possible. Plenty of veg/fruit/salads/whole grains etc and good quality oils/proteins will help you feel better.

    *If alcohol is a trigger for you then try to avoid it or at least keep it to a minimum. Poor diet can also affect your moods. For example drinking lots of coffee can affect your adrenals which in turn can affect your moods.

    * Consider getting a blood test or talking to a doctor. Certain dietary deficiencies and medical conditions can be the cause of mild depression e.g. Vitamin B deficiency.

    * Try to identify why you may get depressed and try to figure out a way of dealing with them i.e. are there triggers... be they people, situations or something else that get you down?...e.g. If you have "toxic" people in your life who are a constant drain on your energy and make you feel low... consider letting them out of your life (assuming that is an option)

    *One thing that worked for me was that I went on a "Detox" holiday - a juice fast for a week with yoga in the morning, meditation at night and therapies during the day. Not sure why but I felt soooo much better after it. It was run by professionals.. including therapists who helped to release some buried emotions I had. It worked for me but I suppose there are no guarantees it will work for everyone.

    * A good exercise to do which I did myself is carry out the following exercises.... Ideally do one exercise per evening so that you have time to digest what you have written. Take your time - you'll be surprised at how much you come up with to write!

    Write down

    1. Things you are grateful for in your life

    2. Things you are willing to release from you or your life

    3. Things you are willing to welcome into your life

    * Try to be positive wherever possible... try to laugh at least once every day...try to put a smile on your face even if you don't feel like it, you never know it may turn into a genuine one :-)

    * Lastly, try to get a good night's sleep - ideally around 8 hours a night. Its amazing how much lack of sleep can make you feel grumpy, low and emotional!

    Ok... hope I haven't gone on too much and that some of the above helps make a positive difference.

    Take care :-)

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