
How can i cure my hangover?

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How can i cure my hangover?




  1. Drink Gatorade to replace your electrolytes.  That's what a hangover is loss of electrolytes (dehydration).


    A little scientific but quite interesting on how a hangover occurs. The last page has suggestions....

    "...eggs do also contain large amounts of cysteine, the substance that breaks down the hangover-causing toxin acetaldehyde in the liver's easily depleted glutathione. Therefore, eggs can potentially help mop up the left-over toxins."

    I guess that's why 2 fried eggs work for me.

    Oh and banging pots and pans together helps

  3. Drink powerade (fruit punch flavor is the best) to restore electrolytes and take a hot bath with a half cup of baking soda and epsom salts (to draw out toxins and relax). best of luck!

  4. Bang pots and pans together.

  5. In a past life, I was a bartender.  Try soda water with a few drops of bitters.  Tastes yucky, but it works.

  6. Heres a great one that works every time. Take 2- calicum tablets, with 2- ibprofen, wash it down with grape juice, or cranberry, not the sugarded kind.

  7. Most symptoms of a hangover are caused by dehydration plus your body being overloaded by toxins produced by your liver as it deals with the alcohol.  Drinking water will cure both of these.

  8. I don't have them often but when I do, I immediately drink a glass of water and take two tylenol. I try and eat something about half an hour after getting up and then go back to bed if I can.

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