
How can i de-stress?

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Ive been really stressed out lately I'm not sure why. I want something to help me de-stress just to stop all of my thoughts even if it's just for that little while.I'mm only 15 and i feel this way, I know that at this age it's verystress fulll i just need something to help clear my mind. Has anyone got any ideas? Thank you x




  1. Do something you love for at least an hour a day.

  2. i like to grab by favorite snack and sit on the counch and whatch tv while eating my snack. it really helps. i also make sure to take care of what is bothering me. like homework, talking to someone ect. you could also keep a journal and write down whats bothering you and keeping u stressed out. and think to yourself how you can prevent the stres.

  3. Okay so good first step is ask yourself why you feel stressed, and asking yourself is this thing I am stressed about worth my time.

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