
How can i deal with a brat?

by  |  earlier

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My little brother is a brat, he tells on me 4 swearing, even tho i don't do that in front of him, he always calls me fat, even tho i know I'm not. And I always get blamed because in 3 years can i deal with such a brat???




  1. Turn the table on him.  Or find out what his favorite thing is and tell him that you want to make a deal with him.

    Or simply get yourself involved in activities not including him so you won't have to spend time in his presence.  

  2. ummm you will just have to kinda deal with it i mean  there isnt much you can do or you could do what i did with my little sister give him what he wants if he promises to stop the snitching and calling you fat send me a pic if u dont mind ill tell u if ur fat




  3. that is life man sucks but you will deal with brats alll your life..

  4. You can start by being more mature than he is, and not giving in to his drama.  Tell your parents the truth, and ask them to discipline him for name-calling.  Ask your parents for advice on how they would like you to react when he is behaving badly, and then do that.  Let your actions speak for themselves - your parents will note who is the brat and who is mature, and respond appropriately.

  5. Be the grown up ...ignore him....look at him disdainfully ...don't get into the arguments, that will drive him mad.  (And make you look much better.)

  6. embarrassment can be a great tool whenever he pisses you off just ridicule him in front of hes friends and family, like when your in a room with your mom and she is not looking just say quit playing with that do you have to pee, why are you always touching that .

    or when he is with friends you can do the same things like so is this the boy you have a crush on .

    then you will show him that you are armed to and you can then have your peace treaty talks.  

  7. If he lies about you tell your parents or whoever that he does that alot. And if he criticizes you just ignore it. Actually ignore him completely until he starts respecting you.

  8. Perhaps, by not being such a bad brother.

    You two should be close.

    Deal with it.

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