I have a work-study job. I've been there for about a year and I really like it, but my boss is starting to really get on my nerves. Sometimes, I hate being at work (it's an office environment by the way) and it started to show in my face and attitude a little, but I did correct it. The only thing is that my boss told our co-worker, the assistant secretary, when i was out of the room. She is a very two-faced person, that is notorious on campus, and in our department for being difficult. She often gets in arguments with the faculty, and is kind of unpleasant to be around unless you suck up to her. She is fakely religious..with 25 crosses hanging on her office wall, but will gossip for days behind people's backs. I get annoyed by her constant negativity to the point that i hate being at work sometimes, but the job is easy and I like the real boss, the dean of the department. I have tried to hide my dislike for her, but it doesn't always work...she's an attention craver and immature for a 60-something year old. what else can i do, or keep in mind while i am at work? Quitting is not an option (at least for this semester) Thank you! Just looking for words of encouragement.