
How can i decrease my reaction time?

by  |  earlier

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oh, by the way, i'm in mma (mixed martial arts), so tell me many ways to decrease reaction time.




  1. that sounds like something you dont want to do, do you flinch a lot or something?

  2. I can sum it up in two words.... react faster!

  3. Allow your whole class to punch in the head before you start any drills!!!! that should work

  4. Why would you want to ?

  5. Get drunk or stay stoned lol

  6. i wouldn't decrease your reaction time it is very important to have a fast reaction time, the faster the better. instead of decreasing reaction speed be aware of your surroundings and what is happening and blend your reaction time and action and everything to help you in the situation. just be aware not jumpy.

  7. you have to learn how to relax and get rid of the jitters, if not you will be blocking at fakes or non existent strikes.

    you must develop timing and distance senses to avoid over reacting to your opponents moves.

    keep practicing , meditating and relaxing and you will do just fine.

    over reaction has nothing to do with your reaction time it has a lot to do with bad timing, improve your timing and you will decrease your over reaction time.

  8. Stop training, drink alcohol, don't sleep, do drugs.

    That will do it.

  9. I won't ask why you'd want to decrease your reaction time as most martial artists would rather increase it !!!

    But if you must decrease....stop training for a while, drink plenty of alcohol eat currys,pizzas,etc everyday to pile on tons of weight and adopt a lazy attitude.

    If this is not a wind up then,

    You've truly confused me lmao :)***

  10. To everyone above...stop being smart a$$es.. you know what he meant...he meant he wanted to decrease the amount of time it takes to react.

    just have someone throw different strikes at you while you you get better at defending them, have them increase the speed at which they throw them.

  11. stop taking crack... start smoking mj

  12. You mean increase reaction time? I would just spar more, do more drills that involve slipping and dodging punches.

  13. Watch tv, roll around do nothing, etc. Basically do whatever is bad for you. Not one professional martial artists would ever do something to decrease their reaction time. They train every single day to increase them. But if you want to then go ahead.

  14. The asker phrased it correctly.  Decreasing reaction time does NOT mean slowing down your REACTION SPEED.  It means decreasing the amount of time necessary to process and then react to a situation.  You want to decrease reaction time and increase reaction speed, not the other way around.

    If you want to decrease your reaction time try changing up your routine.  Keep your current exercises, but switch up your routine so that you do them at different times each time.  Also, work with as many different training partners as you can.  Workouts aren't as effective if you keep doing things the same way every time.

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