
How can i defeat this big bully?

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There is this guy at school he's 16 and frikkin huge! i once pissed him off by throwing a pen at him i didnt even know who he was i tried to apologize but he told me he was gonna beat the living hel outta me i've got 3 days until the fight and whats even worse is that he's a martial artist! my friend told me he does some indian sport muay thai and seven praying mantis martial art now i'm thinking i can run and not show up but the whole school already knows about it and i dont want ppl to think i'm some p***y any advice!?




  1. Go explain that your sorry, if he insists on fighting than so be it, you threw the pen, its gut check time, that it is.

  2. show up to the fight and accept your fate as a human punching bag-at least you'll walk away from the fight (if you do) knowing you're a better person and the world will be with one less pen throwing idiot

  3. You can beat him by being the bigger person and not let your ego get you in trouble. In Other words don't fight!

  4. "It's better to be a live chicken than a dead duck.

    Don't show up for the fight.

    What people think doesn't mean squat!"

    That's true but YOU try going through with no friends. Who you gonna sit with at lunch? Team with in gym? Just fight him, take a beating so what it'll settle it all.

  5. So he has weight advantage and he's trained in Muay Thai as well as seven star praying mantis .....

    game over bro.  sounds like if you fight this guy you're up for an *** whooping.

    Unless, of course, you're better at muay thai or bjj than him. especially bjj.  if not, just humble yourself and avoid the fight.  either embarass yourself but keep some dignity by not fighting OR  embarass yourself entirely and end up beaten to a pulp in front of the entire school.  

  6. You sound like you're a 10 year old.....dude, this guy isn't even worth your time, beating you up over a pen? You're acknowledging him by fighting. You may look like a wimp if you wimp out, but you'll look like you got hit by a car if the fight turns out the wrong way. That is depending on your character, if you really want to hurt another person just to save face. Have some integrity.

  7. 911

  8. fight as best as you can and don't cry cause you can't see straight and don't get mad cause you won't think straight that's what my martial arts teacher says

  9. Never fight for the wrong reasons and certainly not when it can be avoided. Try to talk to the guy b4 the day of the fight and see if u can sort something out without violence. You could always turn up to the fight and tell him that you arent going to fight him cos u c no reason to and then walk away. If he attacks u when ur walking away he'll b seen as a bully and everyone will respect u for actually turning up and speaking to him. There's a big difference between giving up and walking away. But definitely try and avoid the fight at all costs.

  10. Just avoid him. If he touches you, get him expelled.

    Don't play his game unless you want to. The best way to win is to attack his LIFE not his body.

  11. It's better to be a live chicken than a dead duck.

    Don't show up for the fight.

    What people think doesn't mean squat!

    If they ask questions later, just say:

    I know that he is a better fighter than I am, so what's the point?

  12. Ok here we go.  First keep moving even if he takes you down try to keep moving.  Look at Brock Lesnar vs. Mir.  Also learn some leg locks and ancle locks.  to make a long story short if you break his knee or ankle he can not fight for 6 months to a year.

  13. Go to the fight.  Tell him you are not going to fight him.  Don't fight him.  If he swings take the punch and then press charges.  This way you get the best of both ideas.  If your a hot head though don't go.  You will be the one in trouble.  

  14. This is why you shouldn't throw things at people.

    Why care what people think? I know school is hard in that regard, but what's better: people thinking bad things or someone hurting you?

    There are, of course, a number of ways out of the situation: you could fight, and you might win (you have more to fight for and less hindering you -- yes, martial arts can be a hinderance when one doesn't know how to apply them); you could stay home or simply walk away from it, which is safer, and when people comment on it, say, "He was serious? Who -plans- a fight? What... giving time for people to place bets?"; or simply tell him, "You win. You don't need to hit me to prove you're tough," at which point he might hit you anyhow, or he might just walk away.

    There's also talking to the school administrators, which will, at the very least, help you avoid suspension.

    If at some point he comes up to you and just starts swinging, keep breathing and move. Put your hands up, palms out, and start saying as loud as you comfortably can "I don't want to fight you." Use open palms to strike and keep your eyes softly focused on the jugular notch (find your collar bone and move your fingers to the center of your throat. The dip.). This does two things: it expands your peripheral vision which will allow you to react to movement faster, and it doesn't look him in the eyes. If he kicks, move forward (his power will be toward the end of his foot since it travels the longest distance, though he needs to commit to the kick first. Judgment call.), step on the other foot and strike/push at his face (again, open palmed) to get him down (Caution, many people are inflexible in their ankles. Continuing to step on the foot as he falls may break the foot or ankle). When he's down, back away until you feel that you can run and put obstructions between you and he.

    Remember, he may have chosen to fight you, but he set the rules: there are none. If you have spare change in your pocket and you can pull a handful out, throwing it in his face can buy you time to escape. Same is true of dirt, sand, or grass (though dirt clumps and grass requires the wind at your back).

    The longer you stay, the worse your chances become. Your goal should be to get away. The rest is garbage. The kids who make comments? Well, I didn't see them having punches and kicks thrown at them, did you? Be safe first.

    Good luck.

  15. 1 it sound like you are going to have to do some cheap moves like the groin area  

    2 when you get him there try to take him down by the legs

    3 get his head push it down to the ground and hold it and just keep hitting his head you can search it on the internet its called the hammer head

    also look up some self defense moves on youtube

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