
How can i defend against fibre wire/piano wire attack ?

by Guest32395  |  earlier

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Lets say someone tries to strangle you with a fibre wire/piano wire or anything like that. Is there a way you can defend or its a hopeless situation?




  1. The best way to get out of a headlock is not be placed into one in the first place.

    Once an 'expert' has you in a hold (head lock, hold down, arm lock, wrist lock, etc.) it is extremely difficult to escape.

    So following from this advice, the best defense against being garroted is not to be placed into it in the first place.

    If someone is successful in getting a garrote fully around your neck, you are in serious trouble.

    Generally speaking, when you 'sense' someone sneaking up behind you and flipping a wire/rope/string/nylon garrotte over your head, you immediately place one of your hands up to your throat so the garrote does not fully envelop your neck.  Otherwise you have a real struggle on your hands.

  2. Is there a hit  out on you or something? Seriously though, If someone gets a wire around your neck, first  you have to try and get your fingers under the wire so you can breath. second, you should try to trip the assailant, preferably making him fall backwards. You will most likely fall along with him. Land on him hard. Try to knock the wind out of him. He may lose his grip on the wire for a split second. In that time, you have to twist your body and roll away from him, forcefully, before he gets a chance to retain his grip.

  3. This is a very difficult situation. If they succeed in getting the wire around your neck, then you have about a 10% chance of getting out, but that percentage decreases the longer you are caught in thier hold

    try to grab anything you can and attempt to inflict pain

    then once you have that destraction you can try to work a technique

    also try to get a hand under the wire this may give you some leverage

  4. I always carry a pair of wire snips just for this situation.  The only time you need to worry about this is if you go through airport security and they take your tools.  

    You could also use a stilleto knife duct-taped to your elbow pointing out the back.  That way when the assassin attacks you all you have to do is elbow him in the stomach.  And he'll die.  Probably.

  5. Just don't let them get behind you.  It's easy to defend, just don't let them get it around your neck.  Once it's around your neck, do whatever you can to get them to release or drop it.

  6. be aware- that kind of attack can only work against you if:

    1- you are unaware of the attacker,

    2- you are a drooling vegetable in a hospital- in which case the piano wire is a bit much and a simple removal of the feeding tube might be more appropriate.

    I've never been in that situation so i really wouldn't say with any certainty how to defend it- unlike a regular chokehold there is really little you can do to attack the thing offending your neck and the guy will have more leverage (if he/she/it) knows what they are doing than someone throwing an RNC as they can also press you into it from a better position.

  7. Keep your back to a wall at all times?

    Jeez, who DID you p**s off?

  8. You need to hang out with a better crowd. If you can get a hand in between the wire and your throat you may have a chance, but if you don't not much of a chance at all. My guess is that the wire is going to cut right into your throat.

  9. Why would you need to defend against something like that? What kind of people are you offending?

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