
How can i delete virus? my computer is being infected with it..please help me....?

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It's really annoying me... i can't find any solution to this problem...




  1. If you suspect you have an infection, there are several things you must do.  Unfortunately, if you find one infection, it is highly likely you have another one. A virus, trojan or worm are all different types of infections/malware and there are some great FREE programs that can help you.

    First, clean up (delete) your cookies, temp files and temporary internet files. I prefer to use Ccleaner (available at to do this, rather than the built-in DISK CLEANUP. If you want to use Disk Cleanup, you can find it if you:

    - Double-Click on My Computer to open it up

    - RIGHT-click on your C: drive

    - Choose PROPERTIES and then click on the DISK CLEANUP button

    - When done, reboot your computer.

    Delete these files daily or run Ccleaner every day right before you shut your computer down.

    2 - You should also have a good anti-virus program to help protect your computer. AVG FREE is an excellent anti-virus program, which can be downloaded from  You might also choose Avast or Avira, both also free programs from

    3 -Since NONE of the anti-spyware/anti-adware programs are 100% accurate in finding and removing spyware, you need at least two programs which you will run one after the other, not at the same time.

    There are three excellent free ones:

    --Spybot, Search and Destroy


    --Spyware Blaster

    All are available FREE from

    You will need to download, install, update (and IMMUNIZE in Spybot) and run them, one at a time. Be careful with the NAME of these programs - there are "look-alikes" with very similar names, that are in fact spyware themselves! Reboot after you install each one!

    After this current infection is cleared up, be sure to run both of the above programs at least once a week if you are on the internet frequently and/or like to download music or files.

    NOTE: Some infections prevent your from downloading the above programs. You may have to use a clean computer to download the programs and copy them to a thumb drive or CD. Then transfer the install files to the infected computer and run.

    --Occasionally you will not be able to run these programs without being in SAFE MODE.  To get there, reboot your computer and tap the F8 key, repeatedly until a menu comes up.  You want to choose SAFE MODE WITH NETWORKING.

    4 -You should also have a good firewall to help protect your computer. Zone Alarm makes a totally free version (watch you don't download the 30-day free trial of the paid version). You can download this from the manufacturer at <>>

    HTH : )

    Good luck!

  2. omg!  NOT AVG.

    Get this tool that actually WORKs!

    and keep it running.

    I like this FREE tool that does an EXCELLENT job.

    Avast free Home Edition

    Get it here:

    And please do a "thorough" scan as soon as you get it downloaded. The user interface is simple. Click the left side, and in the top menu that comes up, select thorough scan.

    When it finds a culprit it throws up an alarm, then you DELETE the culprit, (do not quaranteen).

    Then allow it to run all of the time, and you will be completely protected. It will "automatically" update itself, also for free.

    You only need to renew your registration once a year, also free.

    Note: I KNOW of several people who have used AVG and Norton and have gotten a virus anyway.

    Don't go with Zone Alarm as it is hoggy and conflicting.

    I've tried them all, and have had wonderful results with DEPENDABLE AVAST for the last 5 years.

    The corporation I work for uses the Pro version, and has never has an incident. Avast is your answer.


    Note:  For your own peace of mind, after you've run AVAST, do a "search" on your machine,  for the virus above.  You won't find it, and you'll be assured.

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