
How can i discipline my 2 year old from hitting kids at school?

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okay... today i had gone to pick my daughter up from daycare and her teacher informed me that since shes been there at 2 o clock... ( I picked her up at 4) my daughter has beatin up 3 kids and in timeout 3 times.. i dont kno where the behavior is coming from and i dont know how to discipline her at home for it knowing that she dosent excatly understand being 2 what happened 4 or 5 hours ago.....? please help me




  1. Practice with her what appropriate responses are when she's mad.  That its ok to be mad, but not ok to hit.

  2. this is classic 2 year old behavior, she's socializing, AND trying to get negative attention.  when she hits/hurts someone, you/teacher/guardian should lavish the victim (the child she hit) with attention and ignore her completely, even turning your back to her.  say things to the victim like "oh, that looked like it really hurt! are you okay? it's sad when friend hit us, isn't it?"  pick up the victim, give all you attention to the victim.  your daughter will hopefully see that hitting gets her ignored and gets the victim A LOT of attention.  

    your daughter should also get positive praise for the friendly things she does.  give her praise when she shares or hugs and treats a friend in a nice way, like "oh, I really like it when you are peaceful with your friends" or "how nice that you are sharing, that is great!"  this way she will see that positive behaviors result in positive attention.  

    Hope that helps! Good Luck!

  3. talk to here and teach her that when she is upset she need to say what she is feeling, the creche my mum worked used to tell the kids to "use their words". I dont think you should discipline her at home if she has already been punished at school, remember she is only 2 and will forget the bad things she does. try a rewards system, tell her that every day she is a school, if her teach says she has been on her best behavior she will get a star,  make a chart and say that at the end of the week if she has 5 stars you will go to get ice cream or you will give her $2 or something like that. it is just a phase remember all kids do it. you need to get on top of it. work with her school to figure out a punishment technique that can be carried on at home and school.

  4. You cannot "discipline" a two year old for something that happened more than a few minutes ago. They will not understand or make the connection at all. It would just be cruel.

    The daycare teacher has to be responsible for the discipline part, by putting her on a time out. The teacher then has to follow up by teaching! Teacher and you should work together on a plan for your daughter. If the teacher is trying to get YOU to do something about what is happening while the child is under her care, and not working WITH you,  get a new daycare provider as soon as possible.

    You need to be sure she doesn't hit anyone at home, including adults.

    You can work with her at home doing things like role playing with dolls. When she gets angry at home, help her learn to use words to express her feelings. To start you will need to speak for her :"I know you are angry right now so you want to ..." then give her alternatives that are not hurtful to herself or other.

    The teacher also needs to be specfic about what situations are making your daughter angry so she hits the other children. Perhaps your daughter has the right to be angry about what is happening to her (though not the right to hit others.) If the teacher doesn't know what set your daughter's anger off, again, make sure your daughter and the children around her are being watched properly by the daycare teachers.

    At two, if the teachers are not making sure the children have interesting things to do, some children will "explore" the world by doing things like hitting other children. They learn about other people's reactions, control of others, consequences for actions and many other things with every incident. It's much better than being bored in the mind of a two year old.

    I guess my concern is not what you can do at home - which is limited. I am very concerned about the quality of the daycare she is attending. Hitting, at two, is normal and good, qualified teachers work with the parents and the child to help the child learn not to hit.

    Talk with the teacher and the daycare director about what is happening, why it's happening and then a plan to get it to stop happening.

    I wish you the best.

  5. teach her the value of having a friend and the respect she needs to show in order to recive it. after all you dont want her later to be known as the "bully"

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