
How can i disguise Laxotone and Nutri-cal my vet prescribed for elderly cat that wont l**k directly?

by  |  earlier

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elderly cat that had 6 enemas, antibiotics, fluids and spent 1 night at vet that was totally wiped out for 1 week after brought home following day.was ready to put him down but thankfully waited. now15days later he is getting appetite back but refuses Laxotone(before he loved it)and Nutri-cal. need good way of disguising it. feed him mostly fancy feast oceanwhitefish and tuna feast.wont take in food,hate 2have2force it on him even if for his own good.




  1. Another good way to get your cat to eat the laxatone would be how we do it at the cat shelter that I volunteer at. Of course there are many cats that refuse to eat any wet food if they even smell a hint of medicine. SO what we do with the laxatone is take about a 1in strip of it and rub it on the upper part of its paws. That way it's sticky enough not to fly off the paw if shaken and it will bother the heck out of the cat until they figure out to l**k it off themselves. Since cats are naturally clean animals, they can't stand having something on their fur.

    Also, kudos to you for waiting it out.

    Good luck!

  2. This might work, put Laxotone/Nutri-cal on your cat's nose. They usually can't stand this and will l**k it off. I am sorry your kitty is so sick, hope he gets better soon. If you need more advice, call your vet, they probably have some good suggestions.

  3. cat will eat anything that you put ON him - I have never delt with Laxotone or the other thing but I know that even if it's terrible tasting, they'll l**k it off of their paws- they hate to be dirty

  4. Why do you need the laxtone?  Are you worried about hairballs?  If so, you can switch to the unflavored metamucil (or even the house brand) and just mix that into your kitty's food.

    It is fiber that will keep the digestive track in balance.  I do NOT use the laxatone because of all the sweeteners.

    Metamucil will help to pass the hair into the r****m area where it can be voided.  If your kitty is needing enemas this will help that situation as well.

  5.      If your cat NEEDS the Laxotone and Nutri-cal and will not take it you will have to force it in him.  The vet may have a syringe you can use to force-feed the Lax/Nut to the cat.

         All the Best

  6. draw it up in a syringe without a needle.

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