
How can i dive properly in a regular swimming pool?

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i can't dive at ALL. in sept, i have to go back to school, which means swimming, which means DIVING. everytime i try, i end up doing a belly flop or my goggles slip off my head. plus, my sister sez that i look really weird and awkward when i dive ( i feel tht way 2). wht can i do 4 a smooth entry into the water, without a splash or a SLAP? PLZ HELP!




  1. Well, when i took lessons they told me to stand up straight (right at the edge of the pool) Put my arms straight up in the air (With my hands ontop of eachother) And bend forward a little. Then when i was ready kept my posture the same (But i jumped in with my hands guiding and my legs right next to eachother.) If you do it right you should be fine.

    Try to take a lesson at your pool. (If oyu have a community one they usually offer lessons)

    Same concept:

  2. Heres some advise:

    Make sure you have a tight streamline

    Tuck your chin

    Jump with as much power as you can

    make sure to aim yourself FORWARD, not DOWN

    Hope this works!

  3. i would reccommend making sure your hands touch the water before anything else, and tuck you chin so you can get the proper rotation to get your head in before your stomach.

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