
How can i do a 360 front flip on a trampoline??

by  |  earlier

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i can do a 180 frontflip but not 360 i just cant get all the way 360 any advice on how to spin more




  1. jump up as high as possible tuck yourself in and lean foward then when you are paralel with the tramp plant the landing. and bounce straight up dont jump into the spin.

  2. get someone to double bounce you

    you jump then right befor you hit to jump agian someone makes a creator kinda thing by jumping right befor you hit so the trampoline is down in a creator kinda shape then it comes back up and flins you up

  3. when you are springing off the tramp, push yourself forwards as if your jumping forward, of course to start this, you must give yourself room to do so.  but as you jump forward, tuck your knees into your chest and hold them in.  start looking down to help you rotate..

  4. try and jump REALLY high and thrust yourself foreward and do a flip, but you need to be high enough so you have time to 360.

  5. its not hard at all, if u can flip and land on your back u have a good start, just on the bounce that u go up into the air to flip with, push down really hard as u hit so u get pushed up for more air

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