
How can i do better fouette turns?

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whenever i do them i always lean forward when i extend my leg. ? i dont know how to explain, but does anyone have like excersizes that will help?




  1. I had this same problem. My dance director told me this was preventing me from doing my fouettes properly.

    A good idea to help you with this problem would be to practise fouette technique at the bar. Begin by bringing your turning leg to 90 degrees in plie. Then, extend your leg to second and relive. Finally, go into truned out passes. Repeat this as needed, and as much as possible. Then try doing your fouettes again.

    I hope this was helpful!!! :D

  2. I would aree with what has been said already. You really need to practice at the barre and the leg artion before you add the turn in.  I have a question though when you extend your leg to the front where do you feel it? You should be feeling it from the muscles underneath your leg. If you are feeling it from your thigh muscles (the ones on top) then that could be the reason you are leaning froward. It could just be the result of you labouring to lift your leg.  Remember you have to use the underneath muscles to raise your leg and to use the floor as this will help significantly. Hope this might help. =)

  3. Try doing them at the barre first, so you can learn your alignment. The most important thing is not to contract before you bring the leg out, and to keep the spine and abs pulled in, so you don't change your center fo gravity

  4. try the leg motion before turning to make sure your doing the leg pattern correctly. if your core is weak its also going to be hard to stay centerd. keep your belly engaged to use your muscles that keep you up straight.

  5. this used to happen to me also.  excersice at the barre by keeping one hand on it and pleaing(sp?) while extending your leg and then relevae(sp?) while bringing your leg back into posse. believe me it helps alot with what muscle you have to use.

    when you come out to the floor make sure you spot and u pull up as much as you can. tighten your stomach so the gravity stays centered and just keep practicing, you will get them soon!

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