
How can i do with a crying baby?????

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my littile boy dont stop cry without reason what can i dooooooooooo please i need help :(




  1. We had a list of things we went through every time he cried for a long period.  First, we changed his diaper - even if it wasn't very wet.  (he was sensitive to wetness) then we thought about if it could be time to eat yet - if it was even 1/2 hour before, I'd try.  If he had eaten within the last hour, we'd try burping him - he sometimes had deep burps that would take 20 minutes of burping to get out.

    Then we'd try taking off clothing to see if he was hot.  If nothing worked, we would make sure that there wasn't something hurting him - we'd make sure he didn't have a hair wrapped around fingers or toes, the diaper sticky tape wasn't on his skin, etc.  We would go over the whole body.

    If none of that worked, I'd lay on the couch slightly propped up, lay him face down on my stomach, and let him fuss for a little while until he fell asleep.  

    Otherwise, if it doesn't get better, go see the doctor tomorrow.

    Good luck

  2. Babies cry for a lot of reasons, too hot, too cold, wet, poopy diaper, hungry, not hungry, tired, not tired, has a cold, has a stuffy nose, has gas, has a tummy ache, has an ear ache, has a headache, has a cramp, has colic, is uncomfortable, is scared, it's too noisy, it's too quiet.  You need to go through the entire list and if all fails take the child to the doctor.

  3. OK stop relax!!!!

    if he doesnt need anything maybe he's just talking to you!!

    remember baby's cant speak like we can so they cry it doesn't necessarily mean he's sad,or angry!!!

    you mite be not understanding why he's crying because your upset and messy headed! so put him down some were safe go and take a minute to your self try to relax a little and regain your thoughts.


  4. If your baby is just fussing, I have heard that putting the baby in his car seat and putting the car seat on top of the dryer while it's on (if you have a dryer in your house that is) but if you do that, be sure to stay in the room with the baby just in case god forbid the seat moves and falls over of something. Otherwise just hold him and and try your best to be relaxed and calm, because he can sense that you're stressed and that makes him more upset. I hope that helps, if not, then god bless you, take care of yourself, best of luck, and it will get better. take it easy.

  5. Well first off you need to try to keep cool...your baby can sense if you are stressed or tense, so take a couple deep breaths and try to get to the source of why your child is crying. Sometimes it's something that isn't present. If he still continues then bring him in to see his pediatrician. It's not healthy for him to cry continuously for too long. Good Luck

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