
How can i draw in hundreds of people??

by  |  earlier

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i want to help promote the animal sanctuary i volunteer at. its completely self funded and in need of more visitors. what tactics will work best to draw people in???




  1. well u should go to the next super bowl run on the feild NAKED during half time while holding the animal sign and then...RUN or get arrested ur choice

  2. try to draw attention in anyway possible

  3. do a piece for the papers (i.e)local animal may close due to lack of government funds ,all animals may have to be put down.that should bring all animal lovers out therefore getting more fund raisers. good luck.

  4. s*x, scandal, celebrity all seem to work all 3 would be best.  Good luck as I love animals not so keen on most people.

    Fake a ghost sighting and get that silly moo and dereck achora down.  or pretend to have seen a vision this easter of jesus on your donkeys back splat a bit of blood on his fur (get it outside any chavy pub) and call in the press.

    It may be immoral but think of the animals, i am sure jesus wont mind if it for a good cause, I would not.  Dereck and the silly moo wont either as they are all laughing all the way to the bank.

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