
How can i dry out my skin?

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no stupid answers!!!...i want to dry out my skin fast because i have some dark acne scars and i want to see if by peelin the skin i can remove the dark skin.....dont say to go to a dermatologist cuz i dont have money




  1. sit out in the sun a lot. Um, try bathing in salt water or go to the beach because I always find that my skin is a lot drier after going to the beach but maybe that's becuase of the sun. I don't know. Although, the scars will fade with time. And, I think that by peeling off the dark skin will only make it lighter, not remove it totally. I wouldn't sugest doing that just because you could be causing more trauma to your skin.

  2. benzaclin

  3. Well you might laugh at this but. . . .water. Ever notice how those germaphobes that wash there hands have really dry skin on there hands? The water once it dried off makes things drier somehow & cleans the oils off of the skin. So wash your face often (2-3 times a day) with or without soap. Harsh soap might trigger your face to produce more oils.

    Peeling your skin off doesn't sound like the smartest thing to do though. You could just end up making NEW scars. I would recommend putting on scar cream and taking better care of your face. Scar cream is cheap as h**l. Google face care & acne tips.

  4. eek, all the people above me make it sound hard. Really, just splash your face with water, rub soap on it. if it is a pump soap, do like 5 pumps, if it is a bar, make it so the soap sticks to the skin. Then wipe off with a towl (dont wash off). Go to bed. When you wake up.... your face will be more dry than you want!

  5. use stuff with alcohal in toner.

  6. its gonna cause a scar

    but just wash your face (using acne cleanser will give u the best "dryness" lol) and dont put lotion of any kind on

  7. hmmmmm toothpaste?

  8. Toothpaste.

  9. wash your face a million times with harsh soap. no lotion afterwards. but i don't think peeling your skin will make any difference.

    you could use rubbing alcohol, too.

  10. I don't think that would remove the scars. Peeling your skin might even leave you with worse scars. Leave your skin to heal and in time the scars will begin to fade. I know its frustrationg because you want them gone as quickly as possible but drying it out will just do more damage than good.  

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