
How can i earn my parents trust again???

by  |  earlier

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well,my bestfriend and i had planned this all along so, we spent the night to her friend's house to have a good time. My parents didn't know this whole thing we'd been up to.

Meanwhile, our plan got all messed up becoz, when we get to that certain place to spent the night my bestfriend's ex was there too so eventually, i know for sure i sensed sumthin wrong.

that night, she got so freakin' drunk and i was in no way to leave her.

so instead, i stayed with her and decided not to go home.

i was torn in two,but hey i think ive done the right thing.*laughs

my parents were so worried and upset about that incident and they've lost that assurance to trust me again but then again, i want to make it up things for them one more time.If only i could.

do i deserve second chances again?





  1. Why is this question in the Personal Finance section. Anyway, gaining their trust will be difficult. I'd suggest coming entirely clean. Tell them the entire story. And promise to never do anything like this again. But I doubt they will believe you.

  2. of couse you do everyone makes mistakes

    it just going to take time for them to get over it

    they cant not trust you forever

    start showing ways to gain back there trust i was in the same situation:

    on day me and parents went to the movis they wanted to go see some dumb movie and i wanted to see jumper but my mom really wanted to see so i didnt say anything while in the theatre my dad got up to go to the bathroom a waited a bit and then i told my mom that i was going to the bathroom 2 so i actually snuck out and wento t the thertre where jumper was showing i checked the time and everything i had the perfect plan so i thought i thought im just going to stay for 10 min. then leave but it was so good it went into 30 mins i saw my mom come into the theatre and then i floowed her she said where were you i said i was in jumper and then she said she called the police and they canncelled the call mym aprents were mad atme and didt trust me for like 5 monthts bu they goy ever it see it just takes time

  3. Just help out round the house and grease up to them...Works 4 me

  4. Your parents will trust you once you become coherent enough to communicate.

    Right now, they have no idea what you're saying.  They are confused.

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