
How can i easily memorize a map of europe by tomorrow? ?

by  |  earlier

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i need help, my teachers an idiot and even spelling counts.

help please?




  1. a wise man once said repetition is the mother of memory. read it over and over and over and.....

  2. copy it with pen on your thigh and wear a skirt to school

    or my friend suggests to copy it on the inside of the skirt  because teachers won't lift up your skirt.  during the test cross your legs to flip the skirt up and check for an answer.

  3. make up a song or something funny to help you learn it.

    the way i remembered where, iraq, iran and Afghanistan was this:

    i racked then i ran to Afghanistan......that was 15 yrs ago and i still remember it.

    try making something up like that.

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