
How can i encourage a bird to come out of cage?

by  |  earlier

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I have a green budgie that trusts my finger and jumps on it when it sees it. But when i try to bring the budgie down to the cage entrance, he turns around and jumps back onto the perch. He is unwilling to come out.

How can i get him to come out on my finger without him jumping back onto perch?




  1. because it hasnt been out of its cage before, it is anxious about doing so. the cage gives your bird a sense of security because it knows that nothing can harm it in there...and because outside of the cage there is so much space and so many different objects, the thought of leaving its cage is terrifying so it avoids it.

    what i can suggest is that you let your budgie jump onto your finger and that over time you move your finger nearer to the doorway, and after a while when your hand is almost out of the doorway, i think your budgie should be less scared about leaving its cage. or you could also try holding your budgie in your hand (but dont squeeze it, only do this if your budgie is comfortable to be enclosed within your hands!) and take it outside of its cage. at first, dont let it fly because it may panic and fly into something and hurt itself. im pretty sure that once its been outside its cage, it will realise that it isnt such a scary place and im sure given time your budgie will happy come out of its cage

    i hope this helped :)

  2. Rather then have him on your finger, build his trust up now with the palm of your hand. Do this by placing him on your finger to begin and then slowly (without startling him) turn your hand around.

    When he has trusted your palm, place seed or some other treat of your palm and let him nibble at it.

    This will keep him slightly distracted as you carefully withdraw him from the cage.

    Go slowly and do it daily to build up his confidence and soon you will need no seed at all, and you may go back to using your finger :)

  3. Hold his toes with a finger as your bring him out.

    Try talking to him as your bringing him out.

    Put some treat between your fingers.

    When and if you can do this.......tell him GOOD BOY in kind of a high pitched voice.

  4. You could try and encourage him to come out of his cage without perching on you first, placing some his toys around to room you keep his cage in. When he become more comfortable within the room he may become more comfortable around you and outside his cage.

  5. keep on trying and your budgie will learn.

  6. Dont be so fast. Take it very slow. And whisper to him or whistle because he already knows your voice.

    Also if you are taking him out clip his wings or he may figure out it's okay and take a fly for it.

    Good luck!

  7. How old is he?

    Did you get him pre-owned?

    Was he hand fed?

    You should consider these question.  It sounds like for some reason, your bird just isn't comfortable with you yet.  (how long have you had him?)

    I'm considering getting a budgie but haven't yet.  But with my past experiences with pet birds, they just need time, patience, and a little coaxing.  Have you tried tempting him with treats?  Taking it slow and providing occasional random treats, usually help (me) when trying to tame a shyer bird.  If he is still young, just give him time.  I hate when people give up on birds and put them in shelters.  If you keep at it, he will eventually grow more comfortable.  

    Hope this helps.

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