
How can i enjoy my summer ? I don't have money at all ... please help.

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none of my friends even called me this summer but it's ok.

I dont have money at all , all i have is 40$ Saved for a concert ...

i cant ask my parents for money because they think i already spent a lot ... i understand them, we're poor ... anyway how can i enjoy my summer without spending money ? oh i have a bike if it helps ...

oh and i hate staying at home =S thx a lot (sry for the language, i am not english)




  1. call your friends and hang out

  2. Umm idk

    it's hard to do anything without having to waste money now.

    You should find friends that work at the movie theater. & tell them to let you in free.. haha.

    You can go to free backyard shows.

    I can't really think of place you can go because i dont know how old you are & where you live...

    But im sure you will find things to do!

    It's all on you. Money or notttt.


  3. you could get a fun summer job.maybe as a courier or something.

  4. Well, you didn't say where you live so I don't know what is around you. But some ideas, assuming you don't live in the middle of nowhere:

    Go to a museum. Most museums have free days once a month. Check out their websites to find which days are free, and go learn something

    Go to the library. Find some great books. Many libraries also have book clubs/movie nights, and other activities. Check out what they offer and go meet some cool people.

    Go hiking/biking. Costs nothing, good for you, and fun. Find good bike trails in your area.

    Find free music shows. Look around for venues that don't have a cover-charge, music in the park, free nights, etc. Many theaters also offer a discount or free night.

    Volunteer. There are so many things you can volunteer for - you can be a volunteer usher at a local theater, and you get to watch the plays for free. You can volunteer at a soup kitchen, animal shelter, store, music venue, or just about anything. Great way to get work experience, meet people, and occupy yourself.

    Get a job. Odd jobs as a babysitter, mowing a lawn, walking dogs, or watering the neighbors plants will give you a little extra money. Real jobs will give you more cash plus work experience.

    Join a club or activity group in your area. Chess, biking, comic books, whatever you're into, there's probably a club you can join.

    Do something new. Make a point of doing at least one new thing per week. Could be cooking something you've never cooked before, going for a hike, seeing a movie you haven't seen, reading a new book, etc. Just do something so that you'll have something to show for your time. One of my summer resolutions is to do one new thing and one athletic thing per week.

    Pick up the paper. Free weekly papers often list all the events going on, and many are free. They may sound kinda boring, but check some of them out. There are often free music festivals, dance performances, gallery openings, etc. Also look for events that only ask for a donation or that are on a sliding scale. Then you really only have to contribute what you can afford to.

    Take advantage of where you live. In LA or New York, you can go to free show tapings, and be the audience for shows. If you live someplace more industrial, you could go on free factory tours.

    Good luck!

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