
How can i entertain myself on an airplane?

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ok... in about a week, im going on a cruise to europe and the flight over there is about 10 hours... how can i entertain myself and not go crazy on the plane? i am very afraid of heights and airplanes... i need to keep my mind entertained so i dont think about the height or the plane.... what are some good ideas?




  1. Ask Your Doctor to Prescribe for You just a Couple of 10 Milligram Ambien.  By the time You wake Up, You'll be at Your Destination.  My Brother does this all the Time.

  2. You can also bring a book to read, or watch the movies or listen to the music that is on the flight.  I take this trip all the time so I know what you'll be going through.  Make sure you wear comfortable clothes and when you get on the plane, get comfortable, take off your shoes, you've got a long way to go.  I also try to stay up the night before, and try to sleep on the plane....that helps past the time.  Best of luck to you.

  3. bring a portable dvd player my dad does that

  4. get a phrase book of whatever your favorite country over there is and study it ;)

  5. There will be films on the plane, they'll be serving food and you'll probably also fall asleep (ask your doctor for a "calming" tablet).

    Other things that spring to mind : bring a really page-turning book, your i-pod (with "read aloud stories" on or hypnosis), a computer game...

    You can also pray that you get a really cute person sitting next to you with whom you can flirt for 10 hours!

    Have a great trip.

  6. Think about how you entertain yourself when you are staying at home alone. You must have done that sometimes. Do you watch a movie? Read? Daydream? Eat? Play video games? You can do all that on the plane. Only a few things you cannot do, such as call up a friend to talk on the phone, or get internet access.

  7. Pop a pill and sleep the whole flight away. I like to look out the window until we are up in the clouds and you can't see anything. then if I am relaxed I will go to sleep, if not I take something to read. Maybe get some books about the areas of Europe you will be seeing and learn more about it. Also, if there will be foreign languages spoken where you are going, learn some of the languages.

  8. See beautiful ladies / magazines etc.

  9. buy a psp or ipod

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