
How can i eradicate poverty?

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How can i eradicate poverty?




  1. what?you mean all the trillions we have spent on the war on poverty started by pres.johnson there is still poverty?

    well,lets continue pouring more trillions down that bottomless rathole.

    surely that will do it.

  2. You can't. Eradicate means to destroy completely. Good luck with that.

    Donate food and volunteer at soup kitchens to help the impoverished.

  3. Embrace reality!

  4. How much money do you have?  Send it to me.  At least, you can help one family.

  5. Civic Currency. Each person say a shopkeeper or kiosk renter makes it through photo- shop  or inked designs on recycled paper. Or photo copies.Artistry all required. Local designs and dyes even put in currency. You will be called a Dictator and accused of murdering millions of people if you eradicate poverty though. Even if you do not run things at all. Then people will threaten to nuke the planet and torture and murder the people making their own money.

  6. Read Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations", or for a more accessible version of the same ideas Milton Friedman's "Capitalism and Freedom". Understand that we do NOT live in a free market society, it is merely corporatism with government in bed with industry. Also fight the welfare state which actually perpetuates poverty and takes your money to feed big government.

    Also don't take anything I said at face value. Research and understand all points of view and make your own decisions. Whatever you find, I'm sure you'll realize that what passes for politics and economics these days is merely a form of theater that hardly reflects the true legacy of political, economic, and natural philosophy, let alone history.

  7. You can't.


  8. Send me ten million dollars, that will be one person down, good luck with the rest.

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