
How can i even my skin tone? any1 know any products that i can buy from drug stores?

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i used a bleach cream and messed up my skin.

the part of my skin is RED, and it looks bad.

well its not too red,

but any1 know any products to even my skin tone?

particularly any from drug stores?




  1. i say just go tanning, its much easier.... oh yeah and for the fake tan just just tanner removal.

  2. Vaseline Coco Butter lotion.

  3. A really good toner is Bior. I think it's about $5 or $6 at wal-mart. It's a green pump bottle. Most toners/cleansers make your skin dry out if you use it every night but this one you can use every night. You will see results immidatley!

  4. Palmers Coco Butter is a good choice.  It is safe, smells good and will moisturize your skin as well.  Give it a try.

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