
How can i explain this?

by  |  earlier

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our tv's turn off, lights turn on and off when they want to, i feel chilling coldness around me, i hear things bang and tap and my heater turns on on its own. and my lamp turns off 4 no reason pluss my dog looks around the room and barks at things that are blaintintly not there.




  1. u have a ghost  don't be scared maybe its a dead relative wishing u merry Xmas if it moves things around it might be a bad spirit and u wud have to call in a priest to perform an exorcism

  2. wow, thats scary.. i suggest moving.. - if possible



  4. Believe it or not, my aunt and uncle had similar problems in one of the houses they moved into a while back. My uncle's a minister and blessed the entire house and all the doorways and windows. Everything stopped after that. You could try doing the same. Good luck!

  5. Call the electrician..... you have something going on that needs to be looked at....Your dog hears dogs in the distance that it hears and is responding to...Our 4 dogs do it all the time...

    Make sure to get your electrical system looked at as soon as possible..Too much is shorting out...

  6. hmm maybe u should get ur house inspected for ghosts. there are some weird things in the world.

  7. WoW !! I agree that is cool!

    If you Xtian see a priest, if you Pagan you should know what to do, if you neither ask for expert help quick.

    if you where me, you would be very excited right now.

    Dont be scared take pictures of everything!! ghosts show up on such pics, Best of luck!!

  8. The only thing that can scientifically be happening here is the air is charged with an excess of electrons.  Do you live in close proximity to a electricity power producing station or transfer station?  Is there a lot of lighting in your area?  

    Or it could be a psychic  phenomenon. And you may need an exorcism.  In which you will need to call the Catholic Church and beg for help.

    The last reason would be that you are in need of mental illness medications.  In which you need to see a doctor.

  9. Unplug your lamps and TV from the timers,and get your heater serviced!

  10. sounds like you have upset the spirit world and they are coming to get YA!!

  11. Ghosts...don't worry, if you'r nice, they'll be nice. Just don't purposely annoy them or disturb them/ For more information:

  12. sounds like a ghost in the house? Get it checked out by a priest if you think it could harm you.

  13. u could have some sort of electrical problem or there is an apparition in Ur house...

  14. BAD DRUGS?

  15. Three words- Too much LSD

  16. there might be an electric problem with your wiring, check your control box (usually found in your basement or garage). If you are not sure, call an electrician, as something may have  been broken in the wires around there. The reason your dog would bark because of that is because the broken wires trying to connect would cause a high pitch sound that humans cannot hear. If that is not the case then your house is haunted.

  17. Get a priest in your home to bless it!

  18. somethings wrong with your electricity [&&] your heating/boiler could need fixing. The dog see's things ... woooo lol

    maybe your house has ghosts in it which you can't see

    it is possibile ghosts are real but you just don't want to believe in them

    i hope i helped!



  19. woah youv'e got another being in the house with you, I don't know if I believe in ghosts, but i have heard some very similar odd things like that. Do you get a bad feeling in the house? If so move, it's better for your state of mind.

  20. That is sooo cool! Why don't exciting things like this ever happen to me.

  21. Sounds like a poltergeist, but I don't believe in ghost.

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