
How can i explain to a 3 yrs old kid that god made people like us?

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How can i explain to a 3 yrs old kid that god made people like us?




  1. My parents told me the truth at a very young age about everything but my siblings and I also had childrens bibles- they put the creation story in very simple terms so that kids can understand and even want to learn more about the teachings.  Have you asked your pastor this question?

  2. just take the kid to church or in front of your God. Show the picture or statue and say " HEY SWEETY HE IS OUR LORD.. HE IS THE ONE CREATED EVERYONE AND EVERTHING IN THIS WORLD". Do this daily. You will find the difference. Remember children follow whatever you say or do.

  3. I went through the same thing! The best way to do it is to tell them the real bible story, in a less complicated, shorter version. Tell them to save all questions until the end. Some of those might include "Where did God come from?" "What flavor apple was it?" "How come Satin was a snake and not a bear?" "Why did God want Jesus to die?" and other questions that are really unanswerable. When you answer, make sure to show no sign of doubt. If they ask, "How come Jesus isn't here anymore?" (for example) Confidently reply. At younger ages, children tend to always believe their parents, and look up to them. If YOU show that you love God, and that YOU believe he created us, then back it up with a story, your child will too. Good luck!

  4. I dont know if I would be as harsh as the last lady.  It is a personal decision.  Look on Amazon and search your topic in books.  Look for books that have the "look inside" icon.  I mean there are so many religions.  I dont know how a 3 year old is going to sit through any long explanations.  You first need to know what are your own beliefs.

  5. to explain a 3 year old  kid that god made us ,tell the child in a form of a story that god made us.

  6. For starters.  Start taking him to church.  Buy kid friendy books.  When the time come starts CCD.  (If applies)

  7. Does your child go to sunday school or sunday nursery school?

    They've probably talked about how we are all made in God's image, no matter what image that is , because God is like all of us.

    There's a lovely song , a Christmas carol called Some Children See Him, it's about Jesus' birth but is a beautiful way to explain to children about God and Jesus.

  8. You don't. Religious indoctrination is child abuse.

    By teaching them the lie that the earth was the work of some big dude in the sky with a beard you are failing as a role model.

    You should teach children how to solve problems and think critically and let them decide when they are 16.

  9. Hi there.

    I personally believe in creation and am currently teaching my 2yr old son to pray.

    The best way to explain creation to your child is to use simple words and use examples so she/he can get a visual in their head.

    God Bless.  I am glad you are teaching your child about God and His creation.

  10. you dont.

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