
How can i fall asleep?

by  |  earlier

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Well, i apparently have this sleeping problem. ever since i was 11, i had trouble sleeping and now it just progressed into a worst state. When i was 11 i had to i mean when i lay in bed i will fall asleep only at 11:00 at night when bedtime was 9. Now when i am 14, i always fall asleep at 3:00 am no matter what time i go to bed, 7/8/9/10/11/12 i always go to sleep at that time and sometimes i just lay through the night with no sleep. I always drink milk before bed, i tried deep breathing, i turn off all internet and television activity. I still can not fall asleep. Any tips?




  1. I know this isn't the best answer but I think the best thing to do would to tire your body out during the day so that you're tired at night. Exercise a lot, do anything to make yourself tired. Also, if you sleep late, it might mean you get too many hours of sleep so that you don't get tired early enough.

    This might not be healthy for you, but try waking up more early so that when you're early, you're really tired. At the end of the day, I can bet you would be exhausted enough to go to sleep.

  2. mabey u should try watching a movie or tv or reading a book or a magazine

  3. This helps everyone that I know. If I can't fall asleep, I ask someone to rub my head. It works miracles. I hope it helps.

  4. Get some activity/ sport..

    I have same problem, its called hyper-activity, its because you have to much of energy.

    Actually, i'm up over 37 hours and i'm still alive :D

    Seriously, find some activity..


  5. There are certain chemicals in onions that are supposed to induce sleep. If you cut up an onion and put it in a jar, and smell it (yes it will probally make you tear up a little) an hour or so before bed, it is supposed to help you sleep. Chamomile tea is good for calming you down, also make sure you aren't consuming caffeine close to bedtime. Take a warm bath, make sure your bedroom is a cool, comfortable temperature before bedtime.
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