
How can i farming truffle? is this expensive ?

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How can i farming truffle? is this expensive ?




  1. Give up - its almost impossible to do unless you got a million dollars and heaps of time

  2. some more information on truffle farming:

    from a poster abstract (

    Truffles command a hefty price in

    the world market ($400-$2000 /lb), and

    due to a favorable regional climate truffle

    production has the potential of becoming a

    significant cash crop for North Carolina

    farmers. Seedlings of oak (Quercus) and

    hazelnut (Corylus) infected with the Tuber

    fungus are produced and distributed by

    commercial nurseries for transplanting

    into prepared soils. However, the difficulty

    of identifying truffle fungi on tree roots

    and the long lag time (4-10 years) before

    the first truffles are harvested makes

    farming truffles risky business.

    the presenter was :

    For more information:

    Gregory Bonito

    Mushroom Biology & Fungal Biotechnology


    School of Agriculture & Environmental


    North Carolina A&T State University

    Greensboro, NC 27411

  3. They are not too expensive to grow unless you charge for your time and patience waiting on them.

    Since the early 1800s, truffles have been cultivated in Europe, but producing them in areas where they are not indigenous is quite difficult. The truffle grows under the ground around trees that have the fungus growing on the roots, either naturally or by inoculation. For the chemistry that produces a truffle to occur, the soil must be an exact pH, and the climate must be temperate and not too wet or too dry. If all these factors are in place, land, money and years of patience must still be invested before a truffle is produced. But the reward for successful truffle cultivation is substantial. This year, the retail price for fresh black Perigord truffles in some markets rose above $2,000 a pound. They are being grown in the US successfully.  Check the sites below.

  4. aren;t they gronw in the mountains naturally and you have to have pigs sniff them out?

  5. It is a mushroom fungus growing under the ground around Oak trees, So buy land covered in Oak and propigate!A "Tuberacae" truffle refers to a fungus that grows attached to the root system of an oak tree in the Mediterranean Europe.

    Truffles are often hunted for by dogs or female pigs. Truffle hunters use female pigs because of their acute response to the odor produced by the truffle, however on discovery they tend to eat the truffles rather than recover them. In light of this, dogs, which are more easily controlled, are trained to use their keen sense of smell to locate truffles. Tuberaceae truffles emit the scent of a male pig and thus attract the female pig.

  6. Truffles are grown from a fungus caled Tuber melanosporum which grows on the root of specific host trees. Generally Oak trees, quercus ilex, and quercus robur. growing truffles is not going to provide you with instant profits, you must consider where you are financially in life before you make the commitment to grow truffles.

    To establish a trufllel plantation from scratch could cost in the region of $18,000 to $22,000 AUD per hectare depending on what inferstructure is available on the selected sight. this estimate does not include the capital cos of land.  it takes 6-7 years to get 2-4 kilograms .

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