
How can i feel better about being pregnant?

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im 6 weeks and 2 days pregnant and i feel so fat... i feel like i've gained at least 5 pounds since i found out about 2 weeks ago... i've been taking belly pictures every week and my stomach keeps getting bigger... my husband said he loves my tummy.. he said its getting some what rounder but all i see is a fat tummy getting fatter.. i've got so much more of this pregnancy to go and i hope i dont feel like this the whole time...




  1. think about the baby, when its here everything will be worhth it I promise. I'm on another boat, i'm almost six weeks and i want  to starft showing so bad.  I would love to look pregnant!

  2. LOL - you make me laugh.  Honey you have a loooooooong way to go.  If you are this miserable already and you aren't even showing yet, you have no idea what you are in for.  I suggest not getting pregnant again.

  3. I've been through this, and still I'm.

    I'm 30 weeks, and anxiously waiting for the big day. Then I will just start working on my body. Everything depends on you!

    So relax and enjoy your pregnancy!

  4. Congrats! It's okay, the outcome is you will have a beautiful baby, possibly even two! At least you're not pregnant and normally that way!

  5. at 6 weeks you're just bloated. to me that felt much worse than when the baby was actually causing me to get bigger. the bloating went away at about 10 weeks for me and i felt much better. the 5 pounds is probably just water weight.  

  6. You're growing a person! Lighten up on yourself. You have a lot more gaining to go still and it is ALL completely worth it. Eat healthy and try and enjoy your pregnancy because (believe it or not) you will miss being pregnant once you're not. :o)  Good luck and congrats!

  7. I know it is hard to see your body getting bigger. You just need to keep reminding yourself that you have a baby inside you, you are not just fat or gaining weight for no reason. It will definitely help when you see your first ultrasound of the baby. I know it was really hard for me those first couple of weeks when people can't tell whether you are pregnant or just put on a little weight. But that does pass and honestly, I would just try to keep reminding yourself that this is a baby and you are gaining weight to help the baby grow.  

  8. just enjoy it! There R a lot of us, who would be more then happy ,to to be in your shoes! Congrats !!!

  9. Hunny hate to say it but your gonna get ALOT bigger! So dont get depressed now. Especially since your only six weeks! Just remember how beautiful pregnancy is and how much meaning that round tummy of yours has!  

  10. I'm due the exact same day...I just found out last week and I feel like I'm blowing up like a balloon.  I don't know how to help because I feel the same exact way!

  11. Get over it because 5 pounds is nothing compared to what's coming.

  12. just eat right and do light excercises. you should be fine, just keep in mind that you are eating for 2!

  13. I feel the same way am due 4 -7 but before I found out I was real skinny my pants size were 2 and now I dont fit into them at all I think its to soon but am just gainin weight my weigth was at 118 when i found out and now its at 128

  14. A lot of the weight right away is water weight so drink lots of water right now to help that. Also remember its not just fat you are gaining, your baby is getting bigger along with your uterus, ect. I felt so big my entire pregnancy (and I was!) But I just tried to eat and drink healthy, remember you are eating so your child can grow and develop, thats more important than anything!  I also walked a couple miles at least 5 days a week.The good news is that it comes off very quickly afterwards if you are eating right and exercising. I gained 38 pounds total and the first 28 pounds were gone in a week! You don't realize how much is baby and water weight! The last ten pounds took about 2 months of just eating healthy and nursing. I never believed anyone when I was pregnant either about not gaining just fat, cause you just feel so huge, but its true! I also gained a lot of my weight right away too so that doesn't mean much. Your best bet is to put the scale away and worry about it 9 months from now! Enjoy feeling guilt free eating for the benefit of your child!!!

  15. Don't worry I feel the same way, I am due 2/14/09. I feel so big already I see the same thing in the mirror. Don't worry you arnt the only one that feels that way. This is my first baby too. Just try to find cute clothes that make you feel good. Go get your hair done and nails it always makes me feel better. All I know is my husband finds me extremely attractive which i think is weird but I guess to our significant other they see the beauty in our stomach so just try to embrace it. That is what my husband tells me :)

    Good luck and Congratulations!!!!

  16. I giggle for you. You aren't really showing yet, you are more than likely just bloated. And that's okay, totally normal. 5 lbs---you may lose that due to morning sickness. You are not eating for 2, so you don't have to eat that much more than you would normally eat, just make sure that you aren't eating empty calories. I am 19 weeks and watched as my feet disappeared last week, trust me it gets bigger. I am only half way there are I feel as big as a house, I still have a long way to go. Go buy some cute tops and get ready for the action to start!!! Have fun with it, your not fat---Your pregnant!!!  

  17. :)


    the best way to think about it is that Pregnant women are SO BEAUTIFUL!!!

    go out and buy some really cute maternity tops... target has some steals!!!

    In your head when you look in the mirror you see a fat belly, but everyone else see's a beautiful belly.......

    Take advantage of it because i didnt like mine all the way through my pregnancy and now i miss it so much!!!!

  18. don't worry sweet heart. you'll gain weight now but when it's all over with you'll get that body back. I'm 37 weeks with my first. if you want something to make you fel better...go get a manicure and pedicure or go get your hair cut. pamper yourself. just remember...pregnant women are the most beautiful people because they are experiencing the miracle of pregnancy. there are plenty of people who can get pregnant that would love to have the experiences you are having. keep your head up. good luck

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