
How can i feel more comfertable at school?

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okay, so i have a group of friends that i went to school with my 9th grade year, and im a senior now.. but after my 9th grade year i transfered schools to a different school like 10 minutes away, and i cant go to the old school because its out of my district. the problem is that for the last three years (At my new school) i havent really been able to make real friends like i had at my old school. like i allways feel like im being watched and i have to be perfect or something at my new school, and i have very few friends. I still hang out with all my centennial friends, and i allways make new friends that go to centennial because i hang out with them out side of school.. i just feel so comfertable around them, and when im with my friends or my girlfriend (Who also goes to centennial) i get this feeling like i dont care if im being judged because i guess im allready happy with the friends i have. I just want to be able to feel that way at my school too.

any advice?




  1. if your a senior this year, dont worry about it.

    senior year goes by soo fast. just worry about getting all your stuff done and doing well with school work. college will be so much different.

    youll be surprised how little high school really is a part of your life in the long run.

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