
How can i find a charity organisation which offers help to the poor?

by  |  earlier

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i need help,




  1. Go onto Google and type in VOLUNTEER.

    Then do the search for your area. There are food banks, soup kitchens, shelters, Red Cross and hundreds of other organizations.

  2. Are you working? Go to your local Social Services-good luck!

  3. Heiffer international is my personal favorite, it does sustainability stuff rather than just giving out food, teach a man to fish, ya know.

  4. I think u should look for those in the 3rd world contories in Asia and Africa. There are a lot of poor people in these regions.Here is a link of one of the Charity Organisation.

  5. try the salvation army, look up charities on the internet and ring them up. the internet is full of them i guess.

  6. I need education help

  7. Well buddy review the list of NGOs and their branch in your locality...some int'l ones are Red crecent,Medecin sans frantiere, Red Cross, UN, AMNESTY...

    There are so so many...

    you need help to help others? Buddy start by reaching others to offer help instead!

  8. Usually a Town hall / City hall would have information on this.

  9. In the US has a section on the left hand column to find a food bank near you. Foodbanks are like wholesalers where local food pantries and help ministries get food to give away.  Cintact the food pantry for a list of help ministries.  Many will offer other help besides food.  

    Contact your local United Way for a list of local helping agencies.  You can find their number in your phone book.  Your nearest school district and your local welfare office probably have help directories too.  Their numbers will be in phone book too.


    Contact a local church and ask what help the church offers and also for a list of helping places.  

    Contact any local welfare agency

    Contact nearest Red Cross/Red Crescent office.  They will not generally have help available except in a disaster but can give you a list of places to get help locally.

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