
How can i find a good farrier fast?

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anyone know of a number of a good farrier in the pasadena, md area? or how to find one quicky?

i was going to use the farrier my barn uses but when he came last i didnt have the cash on hand and he said he would be back in a week for another horse there. so i figured i'd wait. well turns out now he's on vacation and didnt come back, and the other farrier my friend uses isnt returning my calls! my horse needs a visit badly, and i'm kind of stressing out because i dont feel like i have much time, his front shoes are loose and his hooves are starting to crack. i'm really frusterated, please help, thanks




  1. The best way to find a ferrier in an urgent situation is to go to your local feed shop look at the postings or just look for someone there that looks like they own horses and ask.

    You can also learn to do most ferrier trims and files fairly easily on your own there are many sites that teach you the basics just remember if you choose to rasp a hoove do so flat and slowly I learned how to do my Tobiano's Hooves that way and now I save alot on ferriers,  I only call them when I need shoeing or corrective work for an injury

  2. phone book

    type in : blacksmiths in___ (put in you're state) and hit enter

    call a trainer, call a vet.

  3. Call you horse vet, they will recommend someone.  If you get a voice mail when trying to reach the farrier, make certain to mention that "Dr. ____  Office" recommended them.

    That helps, if not, you don't want a flaky farrier anyways!

  4. You basiucally have 2 ways of finding a good Farrier.

    One, through a referal from a respected source.

    Two, through your own experiences, use a farrier once, then try another one until you find one you and more importantly, your horse is happy with!

    Good Luck!!!

  5. Call your vet and ask, they don't charge for phone calls!

  6. call other friends with horses or just people in your local horse community and ask! people who come recommended are usually best! or call your vet and ask for numbers, they should have good connections!

  7. talk to your vet or ask around at the local tack shops and stuff.

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