
How can i find accomodation to rent in the Lake District which accepts housing benefit towards the rent ?

by  |  earlier

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Iam wanting to move from my present accomodation to a new area.

I would love to rent somewhere in the Lake District (Cumbria) area.

Does anyone know of any landlords or accomodation agencies that accept housing benefit towards the rent please.




  1. oh you fancy a place somewhere nice in the lake district for me free?

    if you find somewhere please tell me.

    d**k head!! GET A JOB!!

  2. I know of a carboard box behind the DSS building you can move in to for free.

  3. This is why im glad i've been tax exempt for the last 4 years. I would love to cause serious bodily injury to this POS if my tax dollars were supporting him

  4. Nope.  Why do you need a place that accepts housing benefits?  Why not just pay the rent like most people?

    (I'd love to live near the lake district too, but I can't afford it on my wage!)

  5. you need to check with a local realtor

  6. Yeah, and I believe the house next door to Tom Cruise in Beverley Hills takes DSS as well.

  7. lol i doubt that

    pay for it yourself

  8. Home Housing (Kendal)

    Two Castles (Kendal)

    South Lakeland District Council could put you in touch with both of these agencies, call 01539733333.

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