
How can i find information on what governments do to control overpopulation?

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I am writting a small paper and am having a hard time find a place online that i can cite some information on overpopulation and what governments do to control population and enforce small families.




  1. Don't be fooled, "overpopulation" is a myth.  

    Google "China population policy", and "population policy" for some ideas.

    Try , which I have not read yet.

  2. Take a look at the Congo and consider how the activities and hoarding of the war lords is a form of population control, via starvation and deprivation of the population.

    Tragically, you should have no problem finding a wealth of information of this nature in many African countries.

  3. who : rockafellers and the gang

    what : war, diseases, else

  4. I guess you didn't watch the olympics all the TV stations at one point mentioned China's one child policy.  

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