
How can i find listings for court appearances in the uk for september?

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i need to find a case against someone in poole dorset

i don;t know the date but the outcome is really important.

does anyone know how i can find the day of the hearing it

is in september





    I would recommend phoning them.

    To contact a court please telephone 01202 745309.

    Option B: Appear in person at the courthouse and  take a pencil and paper because you may have to go to various offices.

  2. you could phone the court involved however dont hold your breath. we have been trying to find the outcome of a court hearing as it effects a very close member of my family, but we have been told by court clerks that they are unable to tell us the final outcome or anything else relating to the case as it is breaking the new data protection act.

    so im really sorry but i dont think you can. the only thing i can think of is if you phone the court and ask if it is a case you can sit in the public gallery to watch, but if not you havent a hope in h**l unless its published in the paper. sorry

  3. There are 3 ways to find the out come of a court case.

    1. attend court and watch from the public gallery

    2. Phone the court involved and ask for "Criminal Listings Department" I have phone the Manchester Crown twice for details and have been given information

    3 Phone the court involved and ask for The Press Office, There are one or two resident reporters in every court who go from case to case making notes they may well have been present at the case in question

  4. Do you mean September coming or last?

    If its the coming September you will not know the date until the court does and this can often be just 2 days before the hearing depending on the court (Magistrates or Crown). The court service website lists all pending hearing dates, just search for the particular court in Poole and the offenders name will be listed with the date

    If you mean the trial was held already as in sept 07, just ring the court that tried it and they will find the outcome for you

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