
How can i find living relatives/family tree of a dead person?

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are there any websites what show dead peoples family tree or living relatives?




  1. you can start with up for the free 14 day trial or go to a library that has the library subscription).  But before you do this, I suggest you gather some facts so you can verify it against what you find online.  For example, write down yourself, your parents, grandparents, etc.  List their dates and places of birth/death.  Aunts, uncles, cousins as well.  By doing this exercise, you get a good picture of your known family so you can then locate the deceased.

    Other good websites:;

  2. There are web sites that show dead people's family trees. They will list living relatives with NO details and NO first name; sometimes they use "Living" as a first name. That protects the living people's privacy.

    The dead person's obituary usually lists his/her siblings and children; parents too, if the person died young and his/her parents are alive. There are four ways to get an obit.

    Were you interested in genealogy, or did you want to look one person up?

  3. can use the website and also locate a Lds church building where you can go and use their equipment and resources...for free! You do not have to be a member of the church,it is open to everyone.

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