
How can i find my african decendants?

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How can i find my african decendants?




  1. Um? Have some kids they are your decedents. I think you are thinking of ancestors

  2. First you need to start and get the information that you already have.  Your parents where they were born ....your grandparents....where they were born, the names of their parents if possible.  Sit down and write all this down...Places that they lived brothers sisters aunts uncles.....

    When you have all your thoughts together sit down and start there are sites on the interent that does African Decent.  You will trace where your family has lived through the census here in the United States.  If they haven't been in the United States before the last census was put out then you will have to go by birth records.  

    There are a few of the bigger ancestry sites that offer African American Heritage.....

    Good Luck on your search there are sites out there that offer help along the way..

  3. Ask all the African women you've had s*x with if your union was blessed with issue. If so, ask what their names are.

    Ancestors are tougher, since there are not enough people in Africa curious enough to support an African version of US Gen Web or rich enough to support an African The USA didn't even ask for slaves' names until 1870, when they were not slaves any more.

    There are sites devoted to African-American Genealogy. Write if you'd like links, but don't get your hopes up.

    A DNA test for $300 and up will tell you what tribes or tribal groups you probably have in your past, but that's about all.

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