
How can i find my mother in ohio?

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Ohio seems to be a big place. My mother left there 5-7 years ago...

How will i find my mother? I miss her a lot...

Can someone help me here. i really needed my mother. ='(




  1. Do you have family who might know where she is? That would be a good place to start.  You might want to find out why she left in the first place.  It is possible she does not want to be found, and if that is true, it will be a hard task to find her.

    If you don't have any one else who can help you find her, then you need to start with a website that will give you information about people in Ohio. is a good site.  It will give you information on all the people in Ohio with your mom's name.  Many of them will have phone numbers as well, so you can start a phone campaign and see if you can find her that way.

    Before you start looking think about what might happen if you do find her and she does not want to come back or have contact with you.  It can be a bitter pill if you are not ready for rejection.  Someone who up and leaves must have had a reason, even if it was not a good one. She might not be ready to face what she left behind.

    Good luck in your search and I hope you find what you need.


    founder California Genealogy Club

  2. Great aswer from genzoli there.

    But if you want to save yourself a lot of time, money and frustration, spend 50 bucks to join this site:

    I know for having browsed hundreds of records doing background searches, so hey, my opinion is biased because I'm a fan!

    If she is somewhere in the US, you will find her real quick. If you find a cheaper way to do it, let me know. Good luck.

  3. Type her name in on google and see what comes up.

    Also try Dex Online, if you know what town she lives in.

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