
How can i find my niece all i know is she was left in a place call catholic charities..?

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How can i find my niece all i know is she was left in a place call catholic charities..?




  1. First off, contact that organization. Let them know who you are & what your relationship is to your niece. Give them as much information about her as possible, including what she last looked like, her birth date, where she was living, & when you last saw her.

    Be patient. Searching can take a VERY long time & first they'll have to ensure that you are who you say you are & that you aren't a harmful person to her. If they refuse to help you (they don't have to since you aren't her mom or dad), then try using a detective to track her down. I'll warn you, it's difficult to track down a kid since most times their records are sealed due to their age. If you still can't locate her, then try again when she turns 18.

    Just remember that the situation may have a great deal of influence on whether they will help you or not. If she was being neglected, abused, or molested, then there's a good chance that they will do nothing to bring her to you, especially if they suspect that you had something to do with that or will take her back to the people who hurt her. (Even if you had nothing to do with it & would never take her back into a harmful scenario.)

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