
How can i find my phone?

by  |  earlier

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i've lost my phone. i've called it tons of times, but i can't hear it ringing. i've been thinking of tracking it or something along the lines of that. I'm pretty sure it's not on silent. I lost it somewhere in my apt and i cant hear a single ring. i know its not outside. Can someone help me find a way to find it? Or some advice to find it?




  1. Send an SMS to it

  2. Chance is, the vibration is activated.Press your ear on the floor, the wall or sides of the cabinets or you bed then call it again. You may hear the vibration.

    You may also wait for the battery to get low and you will hear the warning beeps.

    If none of the above work. Comb your apartment. Goodluck.

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