
How can i find out about the cost of living in Nairobi?

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how can i find out about the cost of living in Nairobi. can anyone tell me a bit about living in nairobi. cost of living . ie bread, milk, fuel, a decent meal out, beer, round of golf etc. i am planning to move there in a few months and would like to know these things. prices can be in Ksh. i will convert . thanks




  1. I just came back from ther while i lived there for a month. I would not sugest you to actually move out ther eto live. things are very expensive compared to the amount of money they make. Bread was 37 shillings when I left, so while I was there, bread went up 5 shillings. thats quit alot for only a month. a litter of fuel was 108 shillings. a very small tub of margarine that wont last you a week was 50 shillings. a bottle of soda was 25 shillings. it may seem like not much but believe me... money doesnt last much, you cant buy much with alot of money. there is absolutly no jobs in Kenya, most are aready taken or there not enough money to keep a biusness going, which means laying off employees. you should go stay there for like 3 months and see things for your self and try to adjust to kenyan life and then maybe think about moving there for sure. im not saying Kenya is not a nice country, but in the contrary, Kenya is absolutly beautiful and you will meet the nicest people in the world. I defenetly recomend visiting, but not really living there forever. if you have any questions email me..

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