
How can i find out if cedar wood is in my hamster's bedding?

by  |  earlier

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just asking...want to make sure my hamster's bedding will not have cedar wood...




  1. I'd just replace it

  2. Maybe throw out what you've got? And get some new stuff?  

    Hamsters are vermin you know?  In disease for humanity, vermin have played a big role?  Why not just get rid of them all together?    

  3. well when you buy it what it says on the bag like it chould say i it's pine or cedar or sumthing. i dont no if theres a way to determine which is which though.

  4. just t let you know pine is harmful aswell... jut go to the petstore and get either aspen woodchips or get a paper product like Carefresh=]

  5. Simple: look on the bag. It should say what it contains. If you are still worried, buy CareFresh bedding. It should suit your hamster fine and it's not made our of any wood, unless you count the paper, but don't worry about that. You can put newspaper (black and white only) under it to soak up the liquids.

  6. it might say on the bag, but if not just go to the store and get something you know that is not cedar

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