
How can i find out on what days i am able to get pregnant??

by  |  earlier

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well, i am not really good with this so i need some help, how does a ovulation-calender work??? or how can i find out on what days between my periods i am able to get pregnant???

thanks for any help




  1. The best way to do it is to go and buy some ovulation test they are simple and accurate.

    you take them the day you stop bleeding after period.

    go to

    They have cheap ones! Good luck

  2. An ovulation calender doesn't work for everyone, just like OPKs. They don't work for me because I don't have regular periods. If you do, try them. Or get a basal thermometer. You can also get a saliva microscope that tells you when you are and are not ovulating. It seems like the microscope works best for me because it is more accurate and you don't have to have a "regular" period.

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